This blog contains direct quotes from websites as of 2023. Programs and policies do change, at colleges, from time to time, so please check with the colleges directly to receive any updates. These are not, necessarily, the biggest, best, or most popular programs at the college, but they are the ones that just “caught my eye” as unique, special, interesting, or just plain awesome. They are randomly listed in the blog section of this website. Enjoy!
From the Loyola University New Orleans website (2023): “Our programs can teach you the business of music and how to properly capture and share your sound—and the sounds of others—with the world while still pushing you to sharpen your musical ability. That way, no matter what area of the music industry you wish to pursue, you’ll be able to turn your passion into a career.
Undergraduate Degree Programs:
“Bachelor of Arts in Music Industry Studies---If you have a passion for the business of creating music, Loyola's Bachelor of Arts in Music Industry Studies is the perfect degree for you.

“This innovative degree offers students a solid foundation in intellectual property issues, management, marketing, entrepreneurship, and other key concepts necessary to succeeding in today’s music industry. Students learn through experience in our state-of-the-art recording studios and through immersion in New Orleans, an international creative and cultural destination. With an option for specialization, this degree offers students the flexibility to pursue their area of interest within the cultural economy.
“Recommended specializations:
Audio Production
Audio Technology
Commercial Music
Creative Writing
Digital Filmmaking
Digital Media
Film Studies
Graphic Design
Mass Communication
Music Technology
“This degree may be eligible for completion in three years through our Degree in Three program. With the flexibility of this degree, you can also easily add a business, design, or communications minor to your studies without having to complete additional coursework - creating even more opportunities to gain valuable skills and further your career goals.
“Bachelor of Science in Music Industry Studies---This degree is led by our distinguished faculty of musicians, music producers, musician managers, venue owners, entertainment attorneys, and chart-topping songwriters, who will utilize their real-world experiences to help you master key industry concepts such as production, technology, recording, management, event production, marketing, publishing, distribution, and legal issues.
“Bachelor of Music in Music Industry Studies---Geared towards students with classical or jazz training, this program combines the rigor of a conservatory program (ensembles, recitals, theory courses, music history, and private instruction) with courses focused on music technology and the modern music industry.”
Loyola University New Orleans is one of the college featured in my new book (click image for information):