This blog contains direct quotes from websites as of 2023. Programs and policies do change, at colleges, from time to time, so please check with the colleges directly to receive any updates. These are not, necessarily, the biggest, best, or most popular programs at the college, but they are the ones that just “caught my eye” as unique, special, interesting, or just plain awesome. Enjoy!
From the Misericordia University website, 2023: “The Speech-Language Pathology Program at Misericordia University is an entry-level 5-year Masters Degree program that provides an educational experience that produces pathologists who are critical thinkers and educated consumers of research.
“Students admitted as first year or undergraduate transfers who successfully complete all major and university requirements are awarded a BS degree in health sciences in addition to a MS degree in speech-language pathology. Students who have baccalaureate degrees-whether in communication disorders or another field-are conferred the MS degree in speech-language pathology upon completion of all requirements but do not receive the BS in health science.

“Misericordia graduates are prepared to engage in contemporary, competent, legal, and ethical practice, obtaining employment in the field upon graduation.
“The Master of Science (M.S.) education program in speech-language pathology (residential program, distance education) at Misericordia University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
“The Speech-Language Pathology department is based on the belief that graduates of entry-level allied health professional programs should possess the clinical decision making and problem solving skills which enable them to function as peer colleagues in the contemporary, dynamic health care and educational systems. Speech-language pathologists need to be sensitive to the needs of a culturally diverse society as evident in their interactions with clients, families, and fellow health care and education professionals in the community in which they practice.
“An educational program for speech-language pathologists should reflect the concepts of andragogy (adult education) to include problem solving, critical thinking and analysis, integration of theory and practice, clinical decision making, mentoring, and self-directed learning. Speech-language pathologists should have the ability to articulate and exchange knowledge and seek additional knowledge and skills.
“The Speech-Language-Hearing Center at Misericordia University is a comprehensive facility serving the residents of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Located on the second floor in John J. Passan Hall, the center provides complete diagnostic and speech, language, and hearing services for children, adolescents, adults and elderly with communication disorders.
“Communication problems can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people are born with communication disorders; others develop speech and language difficulties or hearing loss after a severe illness, disease, or as the result of an accident. Many individuals can overcome these challenges with special intervention and treatment. These services are provided by undergraduate and graduate student clinicians working toward their master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology at Misericordia University. The clinicians evaluate and treat clients under the direct supervision of faculty and staff certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
“The Speech-Language Pathology Department at Misericordia University offers a wide variety of modern technologies in the areas of video observation, augmentative and alternative communication, fluency, and voice/speech science. This technology is used to enhance the clinical and classroom experiences while introducing students to various systems and devices they may encounter in the work setting. [ed: Examples of technologies include:]
Anatomage Table
Augmentative and Alternative Communications (AAC)
ISCAN Device
Motion Capture Technology
Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIRS)
Video Observation
Voice/Speech Science Lab”
Misericordia University is one of the featured colleges in my new book (click image for additional information):