This blog contains direct quotes from websites as of today’s date. Programs and policies do change, at colleges, from time to time, so please check with the colleges directly to receive any updates. These are not, necessarily, the biggest, best, or most popular programs at the college, but they are the ones that just “caught my eye” as unique, special, interesting, or just plain awesome. They are randomly listed in the blog section of this website. Enjoy!

From the Cornell College website, 2023: “One Course At A Time is a fully immersive academic experience. It is a block plan calendar that allows you to learn the same way you’ll live and work after college. When you don’t have three or four different subjects pulling your attention in different directions, you get an in-depth knowledge of the material—and you can become truly focused. This is how learning comes to life.
“One Course At A Time gives you the time and space to completely dedicate yourself to the one subject you’re studying that block. You’ll learn to manage tight deadlines and live up to high expectations. You’ll gain experiences you can’t get on a traditional semester plan— like taking on internships that feel like full-time jobs, doing real research, and building strong relationships with your professors and classmates.”