This blog contains direct quotes from websites as of today’s date. Programs and policies do change, at colleges, from time to time, so please check with the colleges directly to receive any updates. These are not, necessarily, the biggest, best, or most popular programs at the college, but they are the ones that just “caught my eye” as unique, special, interesting, or just plain awesome. They are randomly listed in the blog section of this website. Enjoy!

From the Viterbo University website, 2023: “Beginning in 1999, the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership has brought individuals together in fruitful conversation about ethical ideas and issues, inspiring people to lead ethical lives while at the same time helping to develop leadership abilities to further the common good in communities and organizations.
“The mission of the Reinhart Institute is to create opportunities for education, research, and dialogue about significant ethical ideas and issues. The vision of the Reinhart Institute is to be a catalyst in a flourishing community of servant leaders dedicated to the common good.”