This blog contains direct quotes from websites as of 2023. Programs and policies do change, at colleges, from time to time, so please check with the colleges directly to receive any updates. These are not, necessarily, the biggest, best, or most popular programs at the college, but they are the ones that just “caught my eye” as unique, special, interesting, or just plain awesome. Enjoy!
From the Central College website, 2023: “Central communication studies majors experience a broad education that prepares them to take their place in diverse fields such as social and mass media, public relations, marketing, management and human resources, nonprofit services, healthcare, politics and law. Communication studies students develop skills in critical thinking, writing and speaking for a variety of audiences in the contexts of interpersonal, intercultural, public and mediated communication.
“100% Nearly 100% of communication studies majors are employed, in graduate school or completing service within a year of graduation
“51% of communication studies majors engage in off-campus experiences
“100% of communication studies majors complete at least one internship or pre-professional experience before graduation

“The career world is changing so rapidly that communication studies students are prepared not just for their first job, but for the job they will have several years after graduation, one that possibly doesn’t even exist yet. To achieve this goal, communication studies majors explore an intentionally broad-based curriculum focusing on concepts and oral/written skills sought by employers. Further enhancing flexibility, students often complement a major or minor in communication studies with a wide variety of programs, such as business, psychology, political science, arts or athletics/health.
“Communication studies majors complete both internships and applied projects embedded in courses. These opportunities enhance theoretical learning and provide interactions with people in a variety of settings and help students acquire professional experience and skills alongside working professionals. Recent experiential learning opportunities have included:
*Planning and promoting an event for a local non-profit organization
*Managing an organization’s social media
*Interviewing immigrants about their experiences
*Volunteering and researching an organizational culture
*Working with individuals with cognitive disabilities
*Corporate partnerships
*Sports communication
“Acknowledging that students are highly engaged in social and digital media, communication studies provokes them to think intentionally about their media citizenship. Specifically, students reflect on consuming and producing media messages that construct identities, cultures and social inequalities.
“Communication studies includes a focus on local and global civic engagement, examining the role of citizen voices and public forums, social movements, strategic campaigns and risk communication. The Senior Seminar in Communication Ethics explores the intersections of personal decision-making with the needs of one’s relationships, community and society. Other advanced communication courses closely examine the inherent tensions in our desire for interdependency and social justice.
“Central students can study off-campus — both internationally or domestically in the United States. These opportunities give students the chance to prepare to be global citizens, equipped to compete in the global job market. Students can check out experiences led by Central faculty or attend select academic programs across the world that provide opportunities for study, service, internships and other types of experiential learning. Options include experiences in Chicago, Washington, D.C., Central America, Ghana, England, the Scottish Highlands and more.
“Communication studies majors have the chance to gain world perspective on global business and international corporations.
“INTERNSHIPS: All communication studies majors complete at least one internship or pre-professional experience. Students have completed internships in a variety of organizations locally, nationally and internationally, including:
*Media representative intern, White House, Washington, D.C.
*Naturalist, Jasper County
*Marketing intern, Fit for Sport, London, England
*Public relations intern, Pella Regional Health Center
*Program assistant, Iowa Council for International Understanding, Des Moines
*Nutritional education intern, health clinic, Merida, Mexico
*Marketing intern, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines
*Social media liaison and program coordinator, performing arts school, Vienna, Austria
*Content communications intern, Pella Corp.
*Reporting intern, KNIA/KRLS radio, Pella
*PR intern, non-profit fair trade store, Pella
*Strategic communications intern at JDRF, New York
*Branding strategy intern, LW Branding, Chicago
“Communication studies students examine the process of creating messages, meaning and relationships in a broad array of contexts. Students are first introduced to theoretical concepts that enhance their skills and understanding of communication in interpersonal, intercultural and public settings, as well as in contemporary media. Advanced students examine communication related to professional engagement and ethics, civic responsibility and media citizenship.”
Central College is one of the featured colleges in my new book (click image for additional information):